
How to keep away Miami iguanas

While Miami iguanas can be bought in most large chain pet stores, they are often found in the wild. The most common Miami iguana is the green iguana. In most cases, other varieties are located across the globe. Iguanas are one of the very few lizards in the world that are herbivores.

Iguanas are known as tropical Florida lizards. This means they need warm to hot temperatures year-round. Their environment must be roughly 88-95 degrees constantly. Therefore, they are commonly found in more temperate states or countries such as Florida and Mexico. While they aren’t the giant lizards in the world, they are close to it. On average an iguana can get as big as 6 ½ feet long and can weight up to twelve pounds. They typically live near water and are superior swimmers. They mostly keep to the tops of trees, only coming down to mate and lay eggs. On occasion, they will change trees.

If you live in Florida or some other tropical climate area, you might be having a bit of a problem with Miami iguanas. These green reptiles can cause a lot of damage to gardens and flower beds. While they live in trees, for the most part, they can also dig burrows. They are hard to keep away because of their fantastic climbing skills and their digging attributes.

Florida iguanas are very territorial, and if you find that you’re having a problem, you might have a bit of a challenge on your hands. If your backyard or front yard has become infested with iguanas, you will have to act because these obstinate reptiles will rarely leave on their own.

Because there is an abundance of iguanas moving into the United States, they aren’t protected under any laws. So, you can technically deal with them as you see fit. However, if you feel that you want to do that as humanely as possible, here are a couple rules and tips to keep iguanas out of your yard.

If you have fruit trees in your yard, be sure to keep the ground clear of any fruit that has fallen. Miami iguanas are big fans of fruit, and if it has dropped to the ground, it’s easy. Remember though; they are fantastic climbers so if they aren’t on the ground; they might be in the tree.

Keep your garbage covered. There have been some cases that Florida iguanas have removed the can lid and climb in. So, make sure your trash cans are secure, and in a place, they can’t reach. There really isn’t any magical repellant on the market. In most cases, you need to be persistent. Harassment methods work well; loud noises and water hoses are a great way to chase them away.

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