
Pest Animal Removal Miami, Florida!

Call us now at 786-629-5700 for professional wildlife removal services in Miami, FL.

We are a professional animal removal company servicing Miami, FL. We solve problems with wild critters in the home and around the property. We handle animals such as squirrels, raccoons, skunks, rats, mice, opossums, and even snakes, bats, and birds. We most commonly receive calls about scratching sounds in your attic, or digging in your lawn, or many other critter problems. We not only remove animals, but we provide a wide array of services, from animal damage repairs, preventative home repairs, attic cleaning, and more. We are fully licensed and insured in Florida, and we answer our phones 24/7. Call us now at 786-629-5700 for a free price quote and to schedule a same-day or next day appointment for animal removal.

About Our Company

Services We Offer

  • Wildlife Trapping
  • Prevention Repairs
  • Attic Cleanup

Best service in Miami

  • Superior wildlife control from attic to yard, start to finish.
  • Available 24/7 with weekend and same-day appointments
  • Humane treatment of animals and professional service for you.
We are competitively priced, but for the value you get, we are the best. Not all companies are the same! A pest control company will bill you monthly, for years, but never solve the problem. We solve your wildlife problem, permanently, the first time. No two jobs are exactly alike, so call us at 786-629-5700 for a price quote.

Client Testimonials

Miami Pest Animal Removal Tip of the Month: Snake Exterminator
The idea of a snake in your home fills most of us with dread. Even though the majority of snakes are not venomous it is not a creature that we want to share our space with. It is vital to note that there a variety of snake species that are on the endangered species list. Therefore, you could end up in hot water if you do decide to exterminate it.

Our first thought is often to grab the closest shovel and decapitate the snake. This is not necessary as most snakes will leave on their own. Your house does not hold much appeal for a snake. They prefer dark, damp areas and are often found in tall grass. Keeping the grass in your yard short will be a step in the right direction. They are even known to build a nest in an unkempt basement. If you do encounter one while searching for your holiday decorations the easiest way to get rid of it would be to trap it.

Trapping a snake
Killing non-venomous snakes is illegal in most states. Before you take matters into your own hands you might want to try and capture the snake and relocate it.
· One of the most humane ways to trap a snake is by using a glue trap. Contrary to the horrible glue traps that are used on mice, this one will not injure the snake. It will simply be stuck until you pour oil on it. The oil will dissolve the glue, and the snake will be free to leave. These traps usually come already baited so you just need to place it in the area where you saw the snake. Make sure that you check it regularly to keep the snake from suffering for an extended period of time.
· A minnow trap is a cylindrical cage that tapers at both ends. It inverts towards the middle, and this keeps the snake from escaping. This type of trap is unsuitable for venomous snakes as they can turn on you once released.

Identifying the snake
Most snakes found in the US are non-venomous. There is no reason to kill these creatures as they pose no threat to you. Before you contact a wildlife relocation expert it is important to identify whether the snake in question is venomous or not. It is close to impossible to identify whether a snake is venomous or not. There are some characteristics that might help you identify the difference.

Venomous snakes
Most venomous snakes have triangular shaped head and elliptically shaped pupils. Non-venomous snakes have round pupils. They are typically large in size and fat. A rattlesnake will have a rattle at the end of its tail. You won’t always be dealing with a rattlesnake, though. They have a divot between their eyes that is used to sense heat.

Non-venomous snakes
They usually have round pupils. However, you will need to be relatively close in order to observe this. Most solid colored snakes are not venomous. It is critical to remember that there are exceptions to every rule. If you are close to the water, it is easier to distinguish. A venomous snake will glide on the water while a non-venomous snake submerges its whole body.

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